These functions are used in conjunction with the determinantStructure family of funtions to conveniently work with determinant structures.

detStructAddVarLabels(determinantStructure, varLabelDf,
  varNameCol = "varNames.cln", leftAnchorCol = "leftAnchors",
  rightAnchorCol = "rightAnchors", subQuestionCol = "subQuestions",
  questionTextCol = "questionText")

detStructAddVarNames(determinantStructure, names)

detStructComputeProducts(determinantStructure, data, append = TRUE)

detStructComputeScales(determinantStructure, data, append = TRUE,
  separator = "_")



The determinantStructure object.


The variable label dataframe as generated by processLSvarLabels. It is also possible to specify 'homemade' dataframe, in which case the column names have to specified (see the next arguments).


The name of the column of the varLabelDf that contains the variable name. Only needs to be changed from the default value if varLabelDf is not a dataframe as produced by processLSvarLabels.


The name of the column of the varLabelDf that contains the left anchor. Only needs to be changed from the default value if varLabelDf is not a dataframe as produced by processLSvarLabels.


The name of the column of the varLabelDf that contains the right anchor. Only needs to be changed from the default value if varLabelDf is not a dataframe as produced by processLSvarLabels.


The name of the column of the varLabelDf that contains the subquestion. Only needs to be changed from the default value if varLabelDf is not a dataframe as produced by processLSvarLabels.


The name of the column of the varLabelDf that contains the question text. Only needs to be changed from the default value if varLabelDf is not a dataframe as produced by processLSvarLabels.


A character vector with the variable names. These are matched against the regular expressions as specified in the determinantStructure object, and any matches will be stored in the determinantStructure object.


The dataframe containing the data; the variables names specified in names (when calling detStructAddVarNames) must be present in this dataframe.


Whether to only return the products or scales, or whether to append these to the dataframe and return the entire dataframe.


The separator to use when constructing the scale variables names.


detStructAddVarLabels and detStructAddVarNames just change the determinantStructure object; detStructComputeProducts and detStructComputeScales return either the dataframe with the new variables appended (if append = TRUE) or just a dataframe with the new variables (if append = FALSE).


This family of functions will be explained more in detail in a forthcoming paper.



See also


### Create some bogus determinant data detStudy <- mtcars[, c(1, 3:7)]; names(detStudy) <- c('rUse_behav', 'rUse_intention', 'rUse_attitude1', 'rUse_attitude2', 'rUse_expAtt1', 'rUse_expAtt2'); ### Specify the determinant structure ### First a subdeterminant expAtt <- behaviorchange::subdeterminants("Subdeterminants", "expAtt"); ### Then two determinants attitude <- behaviorchange::determinantVar("Determinant", "attitude", expAtt); intention <- behaviorchange::determinantVar("ProximalDeterminant", "intention", attitude); ### Then the entire determinant strcture detStruct <- behaviorchange::determinantStructure('Behavior', list('behav', behaviorRegEx = 'rUse'), intention); ### Add the variable names behaviorchange::detStructAddVarNames(detStruct, names(detStudy)); ### Add the determinant scale variable to the dataframe detStudyPlus <- behaviorchange::detStructComputeScales(detStruct, data=detStudy);
#> Error in names(scalables) <- paste0(behaviorRegEx, separator, names(scalables)): 'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
### Show its presence names(detStudyPlus);
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'detStudyPlus' not found
#> Error in mean(detStudyPlus$rUse_Determinant): object 'detStudyPlus' not found